August 16, 2010

We are in Nakohn Si Tahamarrat!

After flying from Birmingham to Chicago; Chicago to Seoul, South Korea; and Seoul to Bangkok, we arrived at our hotel last night at about 10:30 p.m. Bangkok time. Here, we are 12 hours ahead of Central Standard Time. We got in bed around midnight and got up at 3:30 a.m. so we could be back at the airport to catch our 7 a.m. flight out of Bangkok to Nakohn Si Tahammarat.  We landed this morning at the NST airport around 8:15 a.m. and are now happily relaxing in our hotel.  Alex and Aerin have really been troopers and so well behaved. Our flights and exchanges have been smooth and easy for the most part.  We came very close to missing our flight in Seoul and being stuck in South Korea, but that story is too long to tell right now. Needless to say, we are very thankful that God has brought us safely to our little boy's hometown and cannot wait to meet him.

If you are reading this now, it is Monday night in sweet home Alabama. It is Tuesday morning here, which means that tomorrow we get to meet Anderson for the first time! We are all beside ourselves with excitement, even though we are still exhausted from the trip.  Thanks for your prayers. God has been very gracious to us so far, so please keep praying. I am posting a short video montage from clips we took on the trip. It is not the best, because I am still learning how to edit the videos. I will post pics and / or video of Anderson as soon as I can after we meet him. Don't forget to scroll down and turn off the music player before you watch the video!

Grace, Peace, and much Love to you all,


  1. So glad to hear from you!!! I talked to your Dad and Mrs. Bobbie yesterday and told them y'all were safe and doing well. I know they will be so glad to read this. Rachel sent the blog header and card/tag design yesterday. They look super. I tried to forward the designs to your email, but it was returned for some reason. I'll try again today. We are praying for y'all daily. And, Nate slept in his "big boy bed" for the first time last night. The room's not done yet, but hopefully it will be by the time y'all get home. Love you!
