January 15, 2010


Everywhere we turn, we hear about and see the suffering of people in Haiti due to the massive earthquake that rocked that country three days ago. I have heard people in the media and others debating about who should help Haiti. And even the political wars have begun--accusations that this politician or that public figure is using the Haitian situation for political gain. Yet, in the middle of all of this media frenzy and debate about what is right, this simple truth from scripture remains:
"If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:17-18

I have prayed for a long time for God to break my heart over the things that break His heart. And I hope and pray that as our great Lord breaks the hearts of countless followers of Jesus Christ over the suffering of the people of Haiti, that we will be urgently compelled to act in love and truth to meet their needs and show the love of Jesus Christ to them.

Two organizations that are very dear to our family--because we believe that they are carrying out the call of spreading the good news of Jesus Christ as they love and meet the needs of orphans around the world--both have orphanages and caregivers in Haiti. And they are both trying to meet not only the needs of the children and caregivers in their organizations, but of the entire community in each of the places where the orphanages are located. Please pray about giving to one of these awesome groups--they use resources fully and wisely to meet basic needs of those most vulnerable and share the love of Jesus Christ. The links are below...may God lead you to act in truth!

The Global Orphan Project - powered by C3 Missions

Holt International Children's Services (our adoption agency)

1 comment:

  1. I love the scripture you posted. This is such a great way to put the things we've been studying/discussing in Bible study into action.
